The sensor positioner is no longer guided by the XCP positioner-is correct. We are using the bisecting technique with the lunalite rather than the paralleling techniques.
The laser does not detect the sensor location for centering the x-ray machine but we do recommend a snap ray like the Dentsply Sirona Snap Ray. During testing at some schools, we found that the snap ray helps to center the x-ray machine. The laser is going to guide you on how to position the X-ray unit. The mouthpiece has a line on the outside of the mouthpiece to help the assistant or hygienist determine where the sensor is at, to locate the sensor.
Yes, once the laser is visible it is safe to take the shot. Using the snap ray will be important to help the end-user map out where that sensor is at, the LunaLite will find the proper angulation.
You could still use the XCP but what we are finding with the proper patient positioning (patient head parallel to the floor) and the proper mouthpiece offices do not need to buy XCPs or Rinns anymore. This saves time and money at the end of the day and getting good images with open contacts.
An office can miss the shot if they are not positioning the patient correctly or not watching out for the laser. The laser is there for protection, no laser indicates improper angles, go back and reposition! I designed this for safety purposes!
The calibration happens automatically when it turns on, and does not need to be on any degrees.
The automation is set for offices that do not want to click the button to each angle. During testing, I found that some assistants when doing an FMX don't want to click through the angles manually. So I designed it to automate each angle within a 30 sec time frame(9 angles-30 sec each angle FMX). The device will move to the next angle automatically, giving the assistant time to move the mouthpiece (sensor) to the proper positioning in the mouth to obtain the angle that the device has positioned itself. Click free.. I believe it's faster because you don't have to wait for the manual positioners to come out of the autoclave, missing pieces and then having to set them up. You just use the LunaLite and the snap ray!
Yes, you still have to position the sensor in the mouth at the ideal position and Luna gives you the exterior angle needed to capture the shot.
Wiping down the device with alcohol, avoid the screen, and wipe or spray the velcro with alcohol. You can place plastic over the device if you are accustomed to placing plastic covering over the dental x-ray unit. the laser light goes right through the plastic for positioning.
When positioning for right and left, start the the device, choose the angle needed, position the device first by moving the x-ray unit up or down until you see the laser. Once the laser is on move the xray unit with the laser on to the right or left that is needed for you to capture the image with the proper angle.
LunaLite can accomodate most handheld devices as long as the unit has a PID of 3 inches or longer. The device can be placed behind the lead shield. The laser will go right through the protective shield.